Cirquemania is a Licensed Professional Talent Agency and circus arts school for all Ages
Meet the ownersIvan Stoinev
Ivan is a first-generation circus performer who started his career at a professional level at age thirteen in Bulgaria. Ivan specialized in the act teeterboard and holds a world record for flying a backflip onto a seven-high human stack. Maritza Atayde
Maritza is a fourth generation circus performer and also started performing at a professional level at thirteen. Maritza's family circus, Circus Atayde, also holds a world record in the Guinness World Record Book for the oldest touring circus in the world. Maritza specialized in aerials, acrobatics, and dance. In 1987 during the 100th anniversary for Circus Atayde, Ivan and Maritza met in December, and got married in the following February. Cirquemania was established in 2013 |
Sign up for circus training and lessons today!
Cirquemania |
[email protected] |
(941) 544-4172 |
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